A Portland By Any Other Name

While waiting to be seated at one of my favorite local restaurants I decided to play a word game. "What is the word that makes Portland so special?" I asked myself. The secret to its success? At the top of "best of" lists across the nation and the world? And even closer to home, it is growing while every where else seems to be declining. In Maine, the census confirmed state with the oldest population, Portland still has a healthy balance. What is it that brings young people to Portland, and that young people bring to Portland?

The Opportunity here is more than just proximity to Boston, it is deliberate work to cultivate local Entrepreneurship. Yes, young people want jobs, but we want to be more than a nametag in a faceless conglomerate. We want more than to just work for someone, we want to work towards something. We need Mentors, we need to be able to look around and see positive role models of people who have done it, who took the risk, who started their own business, and found a community there Supporting them.
I saw a Portland Buy Local sticker on the window and the word "Independent" blazed in front of me. Maine has an Independent streak 210 miles wide, so what is it that the rest of Maine could learn from Portland?

I finally got seated and looked down in awe at the diverse menu, the clash of cultures that in this scintillating melting pot come together to make something new and deliciously Invigorating. Yes, Portland's Diversity is definitely one of the secret ingredients in its recipe of success. The Sharing of ideas, cultures, and ways of doing things that leads to Innovation. But the word isn't Innovation that sets Portland apart, it is nothing but pure Yankee Ingenuity that keeps the fires going through the cold economic winters that seem to never end throughout Maine.

Is it the freedom of expression? The art and music and vibrancy? The camaraderie of not following the flock but of brazen individuality? People can be who they want here, and not just behind closed doors. Here you can publicly express your love. You can hold hands with your partner, you can sell your art in the streets, you can march topless, you can be yourself and be accepted in the community as long as you do the same for others.

I knew there had to be a word that ties all these words together in a happy little bundle with a bow on top. It just refused to show itself, buzzing around my periphery and alluding my clumsy attempts at capture like a taunting mosquito. I pride myself on my follow through, and pledged to myself I would sit right here and keep eating until I found an answer or bust a gut trying.

The restaurant slowly emptied and I resigned myself to my just desserts. I could feel the waitstaff growing impatient, politely burrowing a hole in the back of my head with laser beam eyes.

Then, in the middle of a bite of something sweet and saucy, they flipped around the "sorry, we're closed" sign and my mouth dropped open. There it was, dancing on the tip of my tongue, just waiting to be spoken. Of course I finished chewing, paid my bill with generous tip, and walked out into the calm night air before I did.

"Openness," I said with wonder. "Openness." It would almost sound lurid if it weren't so wonderful. The city is Open, not crowded and claustrophobic, Inviting. The city invites Diversity, and all those other wonderful words which define Portland are expressions of our Openness. The Excitement to try new things, to take risks, to be daring, to innovate. To not be afraid of the different or new, of change or the future, but to be open to it, and thus to help create it and be in front of it instead of being behind struggling to catch up. Open not just to crazy Massachusetts drivers, but to Sudanese refugees. All of us are Portlanders, all of us who dare to live wide open and embrace all we have to offer each other.

I stood in front of my apartment building in anticipation of the sweet dreams that awaited me and opened myself to whatever wisdom the universe offered me. If we want to have the quality of life we all desire, we can't close the door to any one. A home should be an open circle, inviting all to join and share. Like a family, we bicker and disagree but still appreciate each other as essential pieces of the puzzle in which the whole community wouldn't be complete without. I saw a streak of light, a shooting star to wish upon, and wondered if the other stars noticed it was gone before slipping off to sleep.

(Also appeared in The Portland Press Herald 7/1/11 and The Portland Daily Sun 6/14/11.)

Hour Exchange Portland



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    ❌ You might have also come across some individuals that say they will give you guarantee on successful trades but they only end up as SCAMMERS as well. You here them say stuffs like 200% guaranteed in just 2 weeks and when you go into trade with them, they start telling you to pay profits percentage before you can get your income. These are all liars please avoid them. But if you have been a victim of this guys, then you should contact FIRMWARE now‼️

    ✳️The big Question is “Can someone Recover their money lost to Binary Option and Scam⁉️
    I will say yes, and will tell you how.

    The only way to Recovery your money back is by hiring HACKERS to help you break into the Firms Database Security System using the information you provide them with, Extract your file and get back your money. It seems like a really impossible thing to do, I will tell you, it should be impossible, but with the use of specially designed softwares known to HACKERS and Authorities (such as The FBI, CIA e.t.c) it is possible and the only way to recover your money.

    ✅FIRMWARE are a group of hackers who use their hacking skill to hunt down SCAMMERS and help individuals recovery their money from Internet SCAMMERS.
    We just need the contact details of the SCAMMERS and Paymnet Info and within 4-8 hours your money will be return to you.

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    Email-: firmwarehacks@gmail.com

    2021 © All Right Reserved.


    I go emotional whenever we receive complaints from clients about their experience With the Hackers They Met Before They Heard about us.
    These Days, There Are alot of Hackers Online, You Just Have to Be Careful about who you meet for help, because many people now don't know who to ask for help anymore but there's really an actual solution to that which we are giving you for free.

    Don't go for the incompetent ones which I know you understand what I'm saying like hackers using gmail, yahoomail and other cheaper email accounts that could be easily hacked ⚠️🚷, come to think of it, why the fuck would a REAL HACKER want to use a Mailing Service that brings out his vulnerabilities? ❌❌ ❌ so can you see they are really not who they say they are?! They are just here to RIP YOU OFF! You Can Always Identify Them With Their False Write Ups and False Testimonies Trying To Lure you Into their Arms. A GLARING RED FLAG❌❌❌ and my advice really goes out to you looking for a Real Hacker that's a heads up so that you would fall deep into their trap no more.🚷⚠️⚠️⚠️

    ✅COMPOSITE HACKERS are here to Provide you with The Best Hackers, So you can get saved from The Arms of the Fake Hackers❌❌

    ✅We have Legit Hackers and Private investigators at your service. 💻 Every member on our team is well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reviews And Recommendations💻🛠

    ✅We have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Computer Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more on our team. Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle-free. So, if you are seriously looking for a hacker, it seems you only have two alternatives. You can try to persuade an ethical hacker to do your bidding by yourself or you hire us to do your job for you at ease.

    Some Of The Services we render includes:
    Website hacking 💻
    Facebook and social media hacking 📲
    Database hacking, & Blog Cleaning🛠
    Phone and Gadget Hacking 📲
    Clearing Of Criminal Records ❌
    Location Tracking 📲
    and many More

    ✅We have a team of seasoned PROFESSIONALS under various skillsets when it comes to online hacking services., At COMPOSITE HACKERS, we’re making the internet a safer place. That journey starts with our hackers . Our company in fact houses a separate group of specialists who are productively focused and established authorities in different platforms. They hail from a proven track record Called “HackerOne” and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture or recapture all relevant data needed by our Clients. Meet the leadership team that’s working to build a collaborative, inclusive space where all of us can innovate and share ideas. Some of these hackers include⭐️ PETER YAWORSKI ⭐️FRANS ROSEN⭐️ JACK CABLE ⭐️JOBERT ABMA⭐️ ARNE SWINNEN ⭐️And More. All you Need To do is To Write us a Mail Then We’ll Assigned any of These Hackers To You Instantly.

    Feel Free To Mail Us Anytime!

    Wickr: compositehackers

    P.S: If you have trust issues and worried about intrusion into your work email, you can create a new email, send us an email from there.
    🔘2022© composite cybersecurity specialists
    🔘Want faster service? Contact us!
    🔘All Rights Reserved ®️

  3. Investment hasn’t really been my thing but before you dive in head first into the investment world be sure to do your research,because you might be currently scammed or on your way to a loss you’ll never see coming.I believe you came online looking for assistance which is quite understandable,congratulations you passed the first stage.Never be too reluctant to take what belongs to you and also be smart about it , I can say luck was on my side and my first attempt towards recovery was successful thanks to “VALOR HACK “.You may not find it very easy on your journey to recovery,getting scammed again,more lies , all these are what you may encounter when you are out searching for a recovery means or a hacker.At VALOR HACK it’s different and it’s worth every recommendation you may have seen online about VALOR HACK,they are always active and ready to tackle every problem you present and I can vouch for that after they recovered mine.It was a crazy situation but VALOR HACK is the real Deal,I have been investing in the fake investment company for over 3 months and my portfolio housed unbelievable numbers.I didn’t believe VALOR HACK was capable of retrieving that amount but my God they did effortlessly,those scammers didn’t even know what hit them. This review might be all you got to a better future and waiting on it is only delaying your chance towards recovery,contact VALOR HACK the same way I did either through an email : Valorhaq @ g mail dot come .Telegram: Valorhaq_HQ

