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We wish to invite you to join us and share your ideas and talents to improve the quality of life in Maine. Tell us what issues interest you the most and we can help connect you to other organizations and individuals who share your passion. We all know the State we want to live in and leave our children, a State of abundance and prosperity, sustainability and opportunity, equality and inclusion. Fortunately, Maine is full of amazing community leaders in nonprofits, businesses, and government all working towards this goal. There is tremendous opportunity right now to seize the moment and by working together, create real and lasting prosperity. We know that to have great jobs in Maine we need to sustainably utilize and preserve our natural resources, we need the healthiest and best educated workforce, we need to invest in innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors, we need to ensure equal access to opportunities for everyone. In short, we all need to work together to help to ensure that Maine always remains "the way life should be."

Hour Exchange Portland

1 comment:

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